DIY Infused Oil Recipe in Organic Life Magazine!
So unbelievably stoked for this article that just came out in Organic Life Magazine! The profile also includes a recipe on how to make your own floral-infused botanical hair & body oil so be sure to check it out on my blog!
One correction worth mentioning: I was finally able to overcome my dependence on western meds for recurrent (and severe) poison ivy that plagued my northeastern youth with the miracle that is Jewelweed {Impatiens capensis}, also known as poison ivy’s antidote. This herb was one of the first to instill my faith in plant medicine when I drank & doused myself in it before harvesting Hawthorne berries from an ivy patch as part of my first herbal apprenticeship. After having poison ivy twice already that summer [both times in my eyes], I was certain I’d be doomed – but alas! Despite my skepticism, the Jewelweed protected me perfectly. Endless thanks to all of my herbal teachers & schools who are mentioned here ~ this lineage is built on the minds & skills of knowledge keepers that pave the way for each new generation of healers