With a focus on sourcing as many ingredients as locally as possible, we work with a variety of farmers & growers across the Hawaiian Islands to engage in Direct Trade for our botanical materials. Below are a few of the producers whose ingredients are indispensable to our formulations.

Kōkua Learning Farm


Hale'iwa, O'ahu, Hawai'i

The Kokua Learning Farm is a verdant oasis nestled behind the Kokua General Store in Haleiwa. The farm serves as an educational destination to inspire learners of all ages to connect with the local food system. In addition to producing produce & herbs, they've cultivated a native wetland to filter runoff, Native Hawaiian plant garden, Lo'i (taro) patch, fruit orchard & aerobic composting system. 

Both the Learning Farm & General Store are a part of the Kōkua Hawai'i Foundation, a nonprofit founded in 2003 by Kim & Jack Johnson to supports environmental education for Hawaii's schools & communities. Through various programs they aim to promote "local & healthy food awareness, production & consumption; to empower viable waste reduction & foster 'āina & place-based respect, understanding & practice."

Adaptations Cinnamon


Kealakekua, Big Island, Hawai'i 

Adaptations is a farm and food hub serving their local community with a variety of sustainably grown Big Island botanicals and certified organic CSA. Their name is a reflection of their mission to "develop the connection between earth’s natural systems and people in a way that improves the resilience of both."

Adaptations provides us with precious True Cinnamon, a deeply sweet, rich bark that is often hard to come by in the US. We use this highly aromatic bark in our Hibiscus Kissed Lip Oil and Digestive Harmony Tea. They also supply us with fresh Gotu Kola, used in our Pain Healer Salve.